
The next step:

We have received a preliminary test batch of Phosphorescent Pigment 'True Blue' P170 from USR Optonix Inc. This company is interested in sponsoring the Lamp Pole project with a donation of P170 to make the poles glow once more. The idea is to use a donation of Gel medium from Golden Paint as the vehicle for the pigment, and paint a simple stripe, or shape on each pole. If the sculpture is installed on Merrel Field, we will charge the pigment with the large array of lights, and then the magic happens after the lights go out. Imagine an array of glowing blue lines that take the place of the sculpture, describing another geometry through the glowing design.

The pigment is also a measure of safety for the night time. It glows for almost 10 hours, so passerby's will be cognizant of the 6 ton sculpture. Density tests will soon follow this post to determine the correct amount of pigment to gel medium mixture.