
The history of two sculptures is listed below in text and photo format. The short story goes like this: Bland Hoke and Matt Rink asked Alfred State University if they could borrow 60-70 decommissioned lamp poles to create art with. The poles were rusty and forgotten, and soon they were arranged in an artistic fashion. The last year at Alfred University was filled with work, and when all was said and done, 100 lamp poles were left in a compact stack. The poles are ready for action in another location, which has yet to be determined...

'Larry Fox' is constructed using 40 recycled lamp poles, welded together to create a sculpture reminiscent of crashing waves, or perhaps simple mathematics. The beauty is in its ambiguity.

Matter In Time is constructed using 60 lamp poles measuring 25 feet tall. The lamp poles have phosphorescent strips affixed to them, which were charged by stadium lights. When the lights went out, the lamp poles lit up, a 'True Blue' color.